Arts and Sciences Blog

The Southron Gaard Arts and Science blog is a place to collate and display the A&S works of our populace. Here you will find pictorial and written articles of people’s entries to competitions, latest projects, research notes, trials (and errors!), musings, ponderings, and accomplishments across all forms of Art and Science.
When we say all forms of A&S, we mean all forms of A&S! Woodworking, sewing, metalworking, cooking, dancing, music, jewellery-making, leatherworking, weaving, heraldry, scribal work, research of all kinds – if it’s an Art or Science, it has a place in this blog. No article too big or too small, no topic too broad or too niche, we’d love to see them all, and all can send them in.
If you would like to contribute a post, please contact the A&S Officer, who will upload it on your behalf.
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Recent Posts
- EEEEC: Challenge Wrap Up
- EEEEC: Joana de Bairros’ Portuguese Feast
- EEEEC: Isabel Maria’s Transformational Soteltie Tower
- EEEEC: Magdalena de Narbonne’s Red Bycocket
- EEEEC: Astrid Sudreying’s Courier Satchel Collaboration
- EEEEC: Ginevra di Serafino Visconti’s Heraldic Standards
- EEEEC: Magdalena de Narbonne’s Narrow Bands
- EEEEC: Astrid Sudreying’s Treasure Necklace
- EEEEC: Christian Baier’s Swabian Gown
- EEEEC: Joana de Bairros’ Iberian Food Class
- EEEEC: Magdalena de Narbonne’s Viking Hood
- EEEEC Ginevra di Serafino Visconti’s Hood
- EEEEC: Astrid Sudeying’s Lemon Mead
- EEEEC: Christian Baier’s Granada Gown
- EEEEC: Magdalena de Narbonne’s Viking Garb
- EEEEC: Isabel Maria’s Camp Rug
- EEEEC: Joana de Bairros’ Capon with Oranges and Lemons
- EEEEC: Astrid Sudeying’s Scuola and Mariegola
- EEEEC: Magdalena de Narbonne’s Heraldic Standards
- EEEEC: Ginevra di Serafino Visconti’s Scented Experiments
Arts and Sciences Blog The Southron Gaard Arts and Science blog is a place to collate and display the A&S works of our populace. Here you will find pictorial and …