Fighter Auction Tournament

Fighter Auction Tournament

The Fighter Auction Tournament is held at Canterbury Faire. The first tournament was held in AS XLII. At the auction, people can bid for the fighters. If a fighter does well in the Tournament, their sponsor also prospers, having an opportunity to select a suitable prize from the items of largesse which are donated to the Fighter Tourney.

The proceeds from the auction are held in a fund by the Barony. People can apply to the Barony for money from this fund to support a project or activity.

When an application is received, a short summary of it will be posted on this page, so that people may be aware of it, and have an opportunity to comment on it.

At the end of the commentary period (typically four weeks), the application is voted on at a monthly meeting of the Baronial Council.

If the application is accepted, this information is also posted on this page, so that people may know of it. This also serves to let people know how much of the fund has been assigned to worthy purposes, and therefore, how much may be still available.

Fighter Auction Tourney Fund Policy

The Fighter Auction Tournament Fund Policy aims to ensure the Fighter Auction Tourney Fund is managed as easily and transparently as possible. This Policy was approved by Council in March 2020, and will be scheduled for a formal review every 5 years. A Word document of the current Charter can be found here.

How to apply for funding

Send an email with your application to the Seneschal, with a copy to the Baron and Baroness, and the Reeve

Your application should cover these topics:

  • What do you want the money for? This should be for purchasing some asset, or assisting with funding some event, or other activity of value to your group or the Barony. This part of the application should have some detail, and should show why this funding would be a good thing for the Barony to do.
  • How much money are you asking for? An exact figure is best, but perhaps you have only an approximate number or range at the moment.
  • When do you expect to need the money? Your project may take some time to happen, so this is an important thing to know.
  • Are you also applying to other sources for funding? There is no shame in doing this. A large project may have to call on multiple grants to make it happen. If so, when do you expect to know your success with these other sources?

The Seneschal or Reeve may come back to you ask for clarification, if the details are not altogether clear. This is quite normal.

Perhaps your proposal does not have all the detail ready just yet. You can test the water by sending it in as a “notice of intent”. This might be useful to get some discussion about your application or the project it will be supporting, without having to wait until all the details are worked out.

Applications for comment

These applications have been received and people may comment on them.

Informal commentary can happen through the various SCA discussion groups or other social media. However, the ultimate acceptance decision is based on a vote at Baronial Council. If you have a strong opinion about an application, you need to get your vote to that meeting, either in person, or via a proxy (you will need to advise the Seneschal beforehand of who holds your proxy vote).

Application DateProposalAmountSponsorDate posted for commentPlanned date for Council voteNotes
1 November 2023Request for funding to subsidise an Australian Knight to attend Crown Tourney March 2024 in Ildhafn in a teaching capacity.$900Aethelred Devle8th November 20236th December 2023This proposal is being presented with two options:
– As written and presented
– To provide funding for an alternate event in the North Island in 2024

Full funding request details, including November Council discussion, available here.
1 November 2023Additional tent poles to extend walls at Canterbury Faire to create extra shade.$225Sigurd Hardrada8th November 20236th December 2023Full funding request details available here.
1 November 2023Additional trestle tables (proposing 15) for outdoor use – particularly at Canterbury Faire$1500Sigurd Hardrada8th November 20236th December 2023Full funding request details available here.
TBANotification of intent to attempt to bring out Duke Marc de Arundel for Canterbury Faire in a Teaching capacity.TBAElenaTBATBAWas originally planned for 2021, then 2023, but due to Covid is still yet to occur. A revised application will be needed for future consideration.

Current Funded Projects

These are the projects or activities that are currently being funded.

Acceptance DateProposalAmountAssigned toExpected completion dateNotes
11 January 2023Purchase of 3 dozen combat archery shafts for the Baronial archery supplies$120Richard d’AllierMid 2023 – awaiting order confirmationFull details of the proposal were communicated on SG Announce and via all SG Facebook Groups, and will be made available in the December SG Council Minutes.

Past Funded Projects

These are the completed projects or activities that have been funded, for which records can be found.

Acceptance DateProposalAmountCompleted byCompletion dateNotes
5 April 2023That the Barony purchase a 12L cider press, and cleaning consumables, for use by our brewers$325CallumMay 2023Full details of the proposal are available here, and May 2023 minutes approving the purchase with amendments are available here.
12 Mar 2020That Gildenwick’s existing FAT funding allocation be used to underwrite some of the costs of a Collegium in May of this year.$718.90Emrys GreneleafMay 2023Minutes showing Council decision 8 March 2023 to reassign these funds to the 2023 Gildenwick Collegium event, being organised by Emrys Greneleaf are available here
May 2022Donation of money to Mordenvale to help with costs of Rebuilding after a fire.$1000THL LowrensJuly 2022Full details of the proposal are available on Google Drive
4 August 2021Basic Feast Kit funding for Wildmoor / Frostheath$513.12Lady Ysemay Rede and THL LowrensJuly 2022Full details of the proposal are available on Google Drive here.
12 Mar 2020That 50% of the funds from this year’s FAT tournament be gifted to the Shire of Adora, who lost fencing equipment in the recent bushfires.$433.50Lord LowransAugust 2020This is a gift. We cannot direct that Adora use it in any particular way. The funds have been received with thanks extended for the generous gift.

Summary of funded items back to 2003 or thereabouts:
Hall/Feast decorations, sobtelties, fort construction, targets, loaner armour and archery kit, children’s support, 50% discount for first-time CF attendees, bell, portable holes and loaner poles for travellers, loaner shields, 2015 Coronation capital items; the Known Worlde Tapestry Tour; Festival flag project; lists support; the laminating pouches, paper and cellophane used for the CF Hall window treatments; sign production and lamination, and the public seating at the foot of the CF stairs.