From the Tower
From the Tower is the monthly newsletter for the Barony of Southron Gaard. Contact the Chronicler if you would like to contribute articles to an upcoming issue – always welcome! Content is due by 7pm on the third Friday of the month prior to the month of publication. May include:
- a column from the Baron and Baroness
- the Seneschal’s column
- columns or notices from Officers
- notices of events, classes and guild meetings
- notices of other items of interest
- articles
- reviews of books, films and websites
- Council minutes
- SCA membership form
N.B. If you are seeking event information, the online Event Calendar is updated regularly, as required.
From the Tower 2023
- From the Tower, September AS LIX (CE 2024)
From The Tower September A.S. LIX
- Seneschal, Hospitaller, Captain of Archers, Baronial Changeover Facilitator columns
- Event information for Fiery Knights V, Spring Collegium & Tavern Revel, Fete of St Francis, Day of Dance, Golden Flight, Known World Newcomers Symposium
- Upcoming Officer Vacancies – Reeve, Chronicler
- Draft Council Minutes from August meeting
- From the Tower, August AS LIX (C.E. 2024)
From The Tower August A.S. LIX
- Seneschal & Hospitaller column
- Articles on Volvelles I have Known, and Your First Feast (an intro to Feast Gear)
- Event information for Fiery Knights V, Spring Collegium & Tavern Revel, Fete of St Francis
- Possible dates for Waipara Working Bees
- Draft Council Minutes from July meeting
- From the Tower, July A.S. LIX (c.e. 2024)
From The Tower July A.S. LIX
- B&B, Seneschal, and Hospitaler columns
- First Contact from the Baronial Changeover Facilitator
- Recipe Review: Apicius’ Melon with Mint Dressing
- Event information for Fiery Knights V,
- Save the Dates for Spring Collegium & Tavern Revel, Fete of St Francis, and Golden Flight
- Draft Council Minutes from June meeting
- From the Tower June AS LIX (2024)
From The Tower June A.S. LIX
- Seneschal & Hospitaller columns
- Event information for Yule
- Draft Council Minutes from May meeting
- From The Tower May AS LIX (c.e. 2024)
From The Tower May A.S. LIX
- Seneschal & Hospitaller columns
- Event information for Yule (in Gildenwick)
- Fibre Guild update
- Draft Council Minutes from April meeting
- From the Tower April AS LVIII (2024)
From The Tower April A.S. LVIII
- B&B, Seneschal, and Hospitaller columns
- Articles: Some Letters of Intent & What started you on your path to the SCA?
- Images from Baronial Anniversary
- Event information for Autumn Coronation
- Draft Council Minutes from March meeting
- From The Tower March A.S. LVIII (2024)
From The Tower March A.S. LVIII
- B&B, Seneschal, and Castellan columns
- Articles on Roman Tunica and Brewing with Honey
- Event information for Baronial Anniversary, Autumn Coronation
- Draft Council Minutes from February meeting
- From the Tower, February A.S. LVIII (2024)
From The Tower February A.S. LVIII
- Seneschal column
- Hospitaller column
- May Coronation event information
- Fibre Guild information
- From the Tower January A.S. LVIII (2024)
From The Tower January A.S. LVIII
- B&B, Seneschal, and Hospitaller column
- Articles related to SCA Camping
- Challenge Night Products
- Event information for Canterbury Faire and Autumn Coronation
- Draft Council Minutes from December meeting
- From the Tower December AS LVIII (2023)
From The Tower December A.S. LVIII
- Seneschal column
- Images from Golden Flight: The Worth of Khan
- Event information for Challenge Night, Canterbury Faire, Autumn Coronation
- Draft Council Minutes from November meeting
- From the Tower November A.S. LVIII (2023)
From The Tower November A.S. LVIII
- B&B & Seneschal columns
- In Memoriam: Master Yoshitoshi / Baron Christopher
- Event information for Golden Flight, Canterbury Faire, Autumn Coronation
- Draft Council Minutes from October meeting
- From The Tower October A.S. LVIII (2023)
From The Tower October A.S. LVIII
- B&B & Seneschal columns
- Article on the Handsewing for Beginners
- Event pictures from Fiery Nights IV
- Event information for:A Wee Highland Fling, Reefton Event, Day of Dance, Golden Flight, and Canterbury Faire
- Draft Council Minutes from August meeting