Southron Gaard has a long and excellent tradition of Arts and Sciences Challenges. You may recall the most recent, the Persona Gubbins Challenge, from 2019. The Kingdom of Atlantia were much taken with that challenge, and ran the same for their populace following upon the example of our good Barony.
Our theme for this Challenge is to make or practice arts and sciences with a focus on use at events. We were much inspired by our own post-Faire to-do list, but more especially by the enthusiasm and excitement of many newcomers as they thought upon what they had beheld and experienced at Faire this year, and planned for next year.
This Challenge is brought to you by Meisterin Christian Baier, Baronessa Isabel María del Aguila, and The Honourable Lady Joana de Bairros; with the gracious support of Their Excellencies, Grim and Alexandra, Baron and Baroness of Southron Gaard, and Lady Adelsea Gladwyne, Southron Gaard Arts and Sciences Officer.
The Challenge:

What is an Arts & Sciences Challenge?
Challenges are not competitions. The only person you are challenging is yourself; challenging yourself to set aside time to make and craft, and to follow your passions. And then to share the wonders with the Barony.
What to Enter:
- You may enter the challenge by making or doing one (or more) items from any of the categories below
- Entries can be as tiny or as grand as you choose, and may include “small”, “medium”, “large”, and “gosh, look at the size of that thing” projects.
- Items can be completed, or still in progress.
- Entries should be new projects (i.e. not entered in previous competitions/challenges), and should be started or completed at any time between Canterbury Faire 2023 and Baronial Anniversary 2024.
- All items should be related to, or for use at, an SCA event.
- Items may be for you, or another SCA person, or for an SCA group (e.g. for the Barony).
- Inspiration: make an item or complete a project inspired by something you saw or did at Canterbury Faire 2023. For example, did you see a new style of clothing you would like to make, or perhaps a new dance or song you want to learn?
- Luxuriation: make something luxurious (not practical) to improve your comfort or to indulge yourself at an event. Furs, silks, jewels, a comfy chair or snuggly cloak?
- Participation: a project based on a period practice, ceremony or similar. For example, plan or hold a Roman child’s naming ceremony.
- Collaboration: make an item or work on a project with one or more other people.
- Exploration: time to try a new art form or practice that you’ve never tried before.
- Personification: make something from the time and place of your persona, for use at events. Do you need new garb, maybe a pouch or hat?
- Personalisation: make something decorated with personal heraldry. A banner, furnishings, a surcoat, perhaps.
- Degustation: make a food, drink, or other comestible for consuming at an event. Take a picnic lunch to your next event!
- Transformation: up-cycle an object! For example, do you have an old garment that needs to be refashioned into something new; or a second-hand piece of modern furniture that can be re-made into a period item?
- Imitation: make a replica of a period object.
- Education: write article for FTT or teach a class at an event.
- Preparation: make something very practical (although it can still be pretty) in preparation for Canterbury Faire. Could be a cunning piece of camping furniture; could be laying in fine comestibles and liquors for next Faire
How to Enter:
Submit the following information to
- a photograph of the item
- the category (or categories) that best fit the entry
- a few brief notes about the entry:
- what the item is
- the inspiration for said item
- its potential use(s) at events
Your Recognition:
As with previous Arts & Sciences Challenges in Southron Gaard, all entrants will be awarded a special token at the completion of the challenge.