Why are those people wearing funny clothes, and how do I get some?
People in the SCA recreate different time periods across Europe and the Middle East, and wear clothes (frequently referred to as ‘garb’ meaning stuff) according to that time and place. While some of it looks quite funny to the modern eye, it would be difficult to recreate these time periods without making the effort to dress as they did. Wearing appropriate clothing and hiding modern items such as wristwatches etc, are essential to creating the medieval atmosphere we are trying to recreate.
For your first event a white “pirate” or “peasant” shirt and plain dark trousers/full-length skirt will do in a pinch, or you can hire garb very inexpensively from the Chatelaine, try to contact them well before the event. Preferably wear flat or low-heeled, dark coloured shoes or boots. Try to hide or disguise any modern technology, sports gear and the like; turn devices to vibrate or silent.
A good starter for newcomers is the simple Tunic. The Introduction to Garb by Cynthia Virtue gives a description of a good beginning outfit including how to easily make a tunic yourself. Stores where you can buy fabric are listed below. If sewing is not possible for you, or you need a little assistance to get started, talk to the Chatelaine. The Southron Gaard email list can provide a forum for advice and assistance.