Meetings & practices
We also have meetings and practices where we don’t get into medieval costume and these are usually free to attend. Barony Stuff Nights happen regularly: come along and have fun in the Current Middle Ages with casual workshops on rapier, dance, sewing, crafts, leatherwork, embroidery, singing.
All welcome, no charge, no costume required.
Email the Chatelaine for time and place.

Non-members are very welcome to attend any of our events, though we encourage you to become a member if you start coming to things regularly. As well as helping support the organisation you’ll pay less for events and be able to hold office! The only requirements for anyone attending an SCA ‘Event’ are that you:
- wear a “attempt” at pre-17th century clothing (not necessary at meetings, practices and the like);
- obey the rules of the game, site rules, and any other such conditions such as site fees, which may be imposed;
- act as a lady or gentleman.