Fighter Auction Tournament

Fighter Auction Tournament

The Fighter Auction Tornament is held at Canterbury Faire. The first tournament was held in AS XLII. At the auction, people can bid for the fighters. If a fighter does well in the Tournament, their sponsor also prospers, having an opportunity to select a suitable prize from the items of largesse which are donated to the Fighter Tourney.

The proceeds from the auction are held in a fund by the Barony. People can apply to the Barony for money from this fund to support a project or activity. More details about the Fighter Auction Tourney and how to apply for funds is available here.

Online Resources and Community

Online Resources and Community

During this time of physical distancing and isolation, we would like to point you at our page of Online Resources and Community where we have been collating various Group Resources, Arts and Sciences information, Educational materials, Entertainment links and even some Activities! Check it out, and if you know of other content that should be included, please contact the Webscribe with your recommendation.