PGC2019 Mistress katherine kerr’s bond of manrent, and amendments

The Bond of Manrent between Sir Radbot and me has been extended with an addendum to hold force unto May Crown ASLV. I have been recording Sir Radbot’s tournament wins and losses at both Crown events and the Baronial monthly wappenshaws. To that I have  attached some momentos of the Rose Tourneys he has entered.

The on-going record of Sir Radbot’s tournament standings, and any subsequent honours, is being recorded in the form of an Elizabethan-style jousting cheque, partially in Latin. The script is a secretary hand with sepia (squid-derived) ink using a dip pen.
I had surmised that period contracts would have extensions and assumed these would be cut and sealed onto the originals or sewn together; I have seen examples of manorial accounts and correspondence tied together for archiving. More recently I came across an example of parchment and paper amendments sewn to an original indentured deed of conveyance concerning the sale of land in Stratford in 1611. 
Bargain and sale deed:

PGC2019 Mistress katherine kerr’s bracelets

My father spent much of his life in Europe, as a member of the Scots Guard at the French court, then as a hired soldier and engineer-trader in Italy. I found this string of Baltic amber chips in his coffer after he died and had them made into bracelets. 
I had a very long string of Baltic amber chips waiting for a suitable project. I don’t play Viking so didn’t expect to use them, but a mention of amber bracelets in Shakespeare has inspired me into action. So I have strung on silk groups of the chips interspersed with freshwater pearls; this is a common style for the 16C in both Venice and Scotland. Bracelets were generally worn in matching sets, so I made two for me; an additional one was a tad long so it has been donated to Baronial largesse.

PGC2019: Mistress katherine kerr’s gifts to her consort

I have promised to be a generous consort to Sir Radbot von Borg and, on learning that he lacked suitable items to bring to table, I have begun work to rectify that.

I made a ratbag and ratkerchief, to go with a feast kit set (rat-marked market wallet, trencher, cutlery roll, bag and napkin) I presented to Sir Radbot at Coronation. The kerchief is of linen with a simple lace edging; the bag is linen with ties in his livery colours. Both bear an embroidered rat as a charge from Sir Radbot’s arms.

PGC2019 Baronial Challenge

Nice Little Touches:the Southron Gaard “Persona Gubbins*” A&S Challenge

“The object of art is to give life a shape.”

We know that sometimes people find it hard to “use” their persona at events, or to make their persona relevant to their SCA “game play”.  In this challenge we invite you to use your persona (or someone else’s) to investigate that persona’s world, in order to create small items that you might carry to or use at events to enhance our SCA “game”.

*Gubbins, meaning small items, easily picked up and carried about (mid-16th century word, from the obsolete gobbon ‘piece, slice, gob’, from Old French; probably related to gobbet).  Not to be used in connection with live small animals.
Thanks to Shakespeare and others for the quotes used here throughout.

This Challenge is brought to you by Meisterin Christian Baier, Baroness Isabel Maria del Aguila, Lady Amabillia Threxton, under the gracious patronage of Her Excellency Baroness Ginevra.

We would like to thank Lady Cecily for the inspiration of her excellent and amusing A&S Pentathlon upon which we have shamelessly, but with permission, borrowed.
We would also like to thank those Southron Gaard Laurels who have kindly offered to sponsor small prizes or tokens.

The Challenge:

What to enter: You may enter the challenge by completing one (or more) small objects or items from the categories below.  

“Small” may be defined as you choose, and may include “medium”, “large”, and “gosh, look at the size of that thing” projects.

Entries should be new projects (i.e. not entered in previous competitions/challenges).

All items should be for use at an SCA event.

Items may be for your persona, or for the persona of the person for whom the item is intended.

Who can enter: Anyone!
Entries are welcomed from adults, children and youth. 
For any who are not members of the populace of Southron Gaard, please note that her Excellency has decided this Challenge is also open to entry from those not resident in our fair Barony, as it is not your fault that you are so disadvantaged.

Items may be made or performed by an individual, or by a group. 

How to enter:
Submit the following information to
1) a photograph of the item, and
2) a few brief notes about the item and the persona that inspired it.  OR 
You might find the form below useful as to suggested content of those notes.  The form can be found here as a google form, or requested via the above email address, or from the August 2019 edition of From the Tower Formal documentation is not required, but is welcome (because we’re all curious people who want to read it).
Child and youth entries should be entered with assistance of parents.

When to enter:  Enter now! All projects must be completed by Baronial Anniversary 2020 Midwinter 2020.  Challenge Extended

Your recognition:  All entrants will be awarded a special token at Baronial Anniversary 2020. 
Those entrants who complete three projects, and those who complete five projects, from at least two distinct categories listed below, will receive an additional token. 
Some of our local Southron Gaard Laurels have generously offered to award small prizes or tokens to the entry of their choice.


1. Do you think because you are virtuous, that there shall be no more cakes and ale?
An item of food or drink your persona may have grown, prepared, consumed, or known of.

2. With silken coats, and caps, and golden rings, with ruffs, and cuffs, and farthingales, and things.
A garment your persona may have worn.

3. When I am forgotten, as I shall be, and sleep in dull cold marble, … Say, I taught thee.
The teaching or sharing of knowledge or skills that your persona would have had, for example, classes, published articles etc.

4. With scarfs, and fans, and double change of bravery, With amber bracelets, beads, and all this knavery.
An accessory your persona may have owned, made, used, or gifted.

5. All the world‘s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.
A performance of a persona-appropriate piece (song, poem, play, saga, tale, dance, etc); formal or informal, individual or group.

6. What revels are in hand? Is there no play, To ease the anguish of a torturing hour?
Games, toys, and other such entertainments.

7. ‘Fore God, you have here a goodly dwelling and a rich.
Items your persona may have had in their home: housewares, furniture, feast gear, table wear, lighting, and such like.

8. This is the excellent foppery of the world
Develop a repertoire of vernacular language, appropriate to your persona, for use at events, e.g. oratory, witticism, oaths, braggery, vernacular phrases, boasts, etc.

9. To gild refined gold, to paint the lily, To throw a perfume on the violet,…
At your toilette: hairstyling, make up, beauty products, skincare, ointments, unguents, perfumes, etc.  Also items associated with bathing, cleanliness, etc: e.g. soaps, cleaning tools or products, laundering, etc for people, houses, livestock etc.

10. Is this a dagger I see before me?
Items for self-defence or martial activities.
11. Get thee to a nunnery
Religious or spiritual items, e.g. momento mori, devotional items, etc.

12. A garish flag, to be the aim of every dangerous shot.
An item of heraldic display.

13. Throw physic to the dogs; I’ll have none of it.
Items associated with health, medicine, or wellbeing.

14. I do remember an apothecary…
And in his needy shop a tortoise hung,
An alligator stuff’d, and other skins
Of ill-shaped fishes; and about his shelves
A beggarly account of empty boxes,
Green earthen pots, bladders and musty seeds,
Remnants of packthread and old cakes of roses,
Were thinly scatter’d to make up a show.
An item used in an occupation, trade, or task, e.g. a tool, equipment, etc.

15. I’ll note you in my book of memory
A written item or document of some kind, e.g. a letter, a piece of calligraphy and illumination, etc.
In particular, we would also encourage you to put together your own commonplace book or similar item relevant to your persona (a commonplace book is a collection of notable extracts from other works, and everyday handy knowledge for your personal use at events e.g. song lyrics, game instructions, recipes to share, etc).

16. Sweet are the uses of adversity”    NEW CATEGORY
Research or practice an art, craft or past time that your persona might have undertaken whilst whiling away a siege (or plague).  (Please note that we cannot support the mis-use of live chickens as a plague cure (probable true story)).

Southron Gaard “Persona Gubbins” Arts and Sciences Challenge Entry Form

Name(s) (SCA and/or Mundane): …………………………………………………………………………………

If Child or Youth Entry (16 years and under), age:……………………………..………

For Child or Youth Entries, I ……………………………………………………………………………….. as guardian, give consent that the details, pictures and/or photos of this entry can be publicly displayed via the Southron Gaard A&S Challenge internet blog (note: personal mundane information will not be published).

Category (number(s)/name(s)): ………………………………………………………………….                                
Project (title and/or a brief description of the item)

Materials and techniques (how was the item made and what materials were used)

Persona Inspiration (when and where is the persona from, and how might they have used / experienced this item):If you are presenting this item as a surprise gift, to avoid spoiling that surprise, please advise the date the gift we can safely publish this item in the blog: 

This was so much fun, I would also like to enter this item in the Southron Gaard Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship 2020 (please see also the entry criteria for that Championship): 
Yes please! / Not this time thanks

HC2018 – Mistress katherine’s entries

This is for our day tent’s cloth of estate showing the dimidiated arms of Bartholomew Baskin and katherine kerr (ie joined to show that we are married). This assumes that my proposed augmentation passes….

A banner for Bartholomew — using one of the left-over ones from Nov Crown ASXLIV

This is a valence of heraldic beasts to go on the new cloth of estate for the CF Feast and Half-Circle Theatre.