Current Event Golden Flight

Golden Flight – Booking Form – November 15th – 17th

One of Southron Gaard’s annual events, where we celebrate and focus on archery.

A range of Archery tournaments will be held, along with a series of A&S classes to enable to you make an arrow from scratch!

We will also have a fabulous Roman-style reclining feast (standard seating options also available – please indicate when booking if you wish to recline).


Cracroft Guiding Centre, 151 Cashmere Road, Cashmere, Christchurch 8022 (



Full event booking includes feast which will be Saturday evening.
$85 for adult members (add $2 for non-members)
$45 for under 16s
Camping ($20 per night) and bunking ($25 per night) for the weekend are available

Bookings Close: 8 November

Steward: Thorbjorn Bjarnylr