Baronial Anniversary

Baronial Anniversary Booking

Southron Gaard Baronial Anniversary 2025

*Baronial Anniversary Celebration*
Join us for a joyous occasion as we celebrate the anniversary of Southron Gaard! A day filled with merriment and feasting awaits you.
Enjoy grand tournaments showing the skill of the fighters, archers, and artisans of the barony, followed by a sumptuous feast. Come and honour the history and achievements of our beloved Barony.
Don’t miss out on this spectacular event as we come together to celebrate tradition, camaraderie, and the spirit of Southron Gaard!

Date: Saturday the 22nd of March 2025
Time: Site opens 9am and closes 9pm.
Location: Harvard Community Lounge, Wigram Village Green Corsair Drive, Wigram, Christchurch 8042

Event fees:

  • Site fee: Adults $15.00 (add $2 for non-members) / Children (under 18) $7
  • Lunch: Adults $10 / Children (under 18) $5
  • Feast: Adults $35 / Children (under 18) $20