Mailing Lists

Mailing Lists

To participate in discussions, ask questions, talk to the populace and hear about forthcoming events, join the Southron Gaard Discussion list.

If you want to receive only important announcements, generally of forthcoming events and activities, and no other postings, you can join the Southron Gaard Announcement list.
Please note that any posting made to Announcements list is automatically forwarded to the Discussion lists (SGdiscuss, ) — you do not have to join both announcement and discussion type lists unless you wish to post to Announcements.
Also note that you must be a member of any list that you wish to post to.
To unsubscribe from a list use the above links to go to your account details

You might also be interested in more regional news. If so, please join the Hamlet of Wildmoor (Dunedin) Discussion list or the Hamlet of Gildenwick (Nelson) Discussion list.

If you’d like to join in general discussions among the broader populace which inhabits these fair isles, both Southern and Northern, then join the Althing list.

If you’d like to hear what’s happening even further abroad, you can join the Kingdom of Lochac’s mailing list, known as The Shambles.