Documents and Policy
Baronial Charter
The Baronial Charter was confirmed by a poll of the populace conducted in November 1995 at the founding of the Barony. It was subsequently amended by a poll of the populace in December 2004, and minor changes to conform with Kingdom law revisions were approved by Council in August 2008. A Word document of the current Charter can be found here.
SCA NZ Inc Rules
The rules of the SCA NZ cover the establishment and operation of the SCA within New Zealand operating as an independent incorporated society. The PDF containing the rules can be downloaded from here. Other useful governance and legal information can be found at the SCA NZ Website
Baronial Event Booking, Payment and Refund Policy
Created to help guide event stewards and event attendees in managing event bookings, payments and refunds. The current version may be found here.
Southron Gaard Policies and Guidelines
These were developed from 1998-2001 and last formally revised in early 2005, with an extension regarding officer appointments added in April 2007. The current version may be found here.
Financial Committee Guidelines
In accordance with SCA NZ Inc policy, the Barony has a Financial Committee which operates under these guidelines.
Fighter Auction Tourney Fund Policy
The Fighter Auction Tournament Fund Policy aims to ensure the Fighter Auction Tourney Fund is managed as easily and transparently as possible. This Policy was approved by Council in March 2020, and will be scheduled for a formal review every 5 years. Full details of the Fighter Auction Tournament and the Fund Policy can be found here.
Library Policy
In 2002, Southron Gaard’s Council approved this Library Policy.
Storage Unit Guidelines
The large storage unit currently at Waipara Riverside Park (the CF site) is owned by the Barony and subject to an annual site rental. Space is available for Baronial and private use, as outlined these usage guidelines. Please direct any inquiries to the Baronial Constable.
Canterbury Faire Land Allocation
The CF Land Allocation document aims to outline the approach taken for allocation of land to groups for camping at Canterbury Faire. The current version is available online here.
Looking for the Event Stewarding documents?
These can be found in the Event Stewards section of the website.