Arts and Sciences Competitions

The Barony sponsors an Arts and Sciences Championship, recognising excellence in the research and application of any of the many and varied arts and sciences.
Entries for the Baronial Arts and Sciences Championship are welcomed at any time, from anyone and on any subject. Contact the Arts and Science Officer to discuss your entry.
Your entry should be a completed project, rather than a work in progress, and may have been entered in Arts competitions/displays (e.g. event competitions, Laurel’s Prize Tourneys) before, but not previously as a Southron Gaard Baronial Championship entry.
Documentation is required. See the A&S Assistance box above for links to helpful papers on research and documentation within the SCA.
Entries will be examined by three judges, consisting of the A&S officer, a judge who will help judge all entries in that year, and an expert judge chosen by two ‘fulltime’ judges to help with that specific entry. Judging occurs in the month after the entry is submitted, and can be undertaken at an event or not, as appropriate.
Judges will mark the entries using the judging criteria. If an individual enters more than three items over the year only the best three scores will be counted towards the Championship total. Additional points will be awarded for any individual who teaches a class in Southron Gaard and publishes an A&S article.
If possible, all entries will be displayed at the first event to be held after they are submitted. Photographs will be taken of all entries (with the entrant’s permission) and added to the Baronial photo album and, where appropriate, displayed on the Southron Gaard Website. All the years’ entries will also be displayed at Baronial Anniversary, where the new champion is announced.
Each year at least three gentles must contest for A&S Champion for one to be chosen for the position.