Baronial Relics
Here are presented the ancient and treasured Relics of the Barony of Southron Gaard.
Fleur de Galant
The Fleur de Galant was created countless years ago by Mistress Roheisa le Sarjent to recognise significant acts of chivalry or courtesy by members of the Barony, whether on or off the tourney field.
The holder should wear it at all times and be constantly seeking a new candidate, to whom they award it at Court.
If a new bearer is not found within two Quarter Days, the Fleur is returned to the Baron and Baroness, who will continue the search.
Current holder:
Recent holders:
Lady Amabilia Thexton, awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS LV
Lady Vigdis Svínahildardóttir, awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS LIV
Master James of Southron Gaard, awarded at Canterbury Faire, AS LI
Lord Philippe de Carillion, Awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS L
Lady Sybilla Cuspinian, awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS XLI
Lord Gavin of Southron Gaard, awarded at the Spring Quarter Day, AS XLI
Lord Stephen of the Hospital, awarded at Canterbury Faire, AS XL
Thorfyrd’s Torc
THORFYRD’S TORC was first presented by Thorfyrd Hakonsen in A.S. XXVI (1992), at the inaugural Thorfyrd’s Torc Tournament. It was awarded to the victor of the tournament, who was then responsible for organising the next one the following year. This has since become the award presented to the winner of the Unbelted Tournament held at Canterbury Faire.
Current holder:
AS59 Baron Þorvaldr inn Suðreyski
Previous holders of Thorfyrd’s Torc:
- AS58 Baron Gavril of Mordenvale
- AS57 Lord Christopher Longstaff
- AS56. Master Richard d’Allier
- AS55 Baron Grim of Thornby
Sir Vitale Giustiniani, who won it in the AS XL “May Day” Muster.
Thorfyrd’s Arrow
THORFYRD’S ARROW was first found and presented by Alexander von Thurn (Simeon), named in honour of Thorfyrd Hakonsen, and is traditionally contested at Canterbury Faire. It is traditionally awarded to the final archer, whether bow or crossbow, who is able to strike the target while the distances are progressively increased from round to round, but of late has been contested in double-elimination duel scenarios.
Current holder:
- AS59 Benjamin of Gildenwick
Recent holders of Thorfyd’s Arrow:
- AS58 Baldwin the Wanderer
- AS56 Baldwin the Wanderer
- AS55 Sympkyn of the Moor
- AS54 Darius Freeman
- AS53 Darius Freeman
- AS52 Baldwin the Wanderer
- AS51 Richard d’Allier
- AS50 Richard d’Allier
Pen Gwynne War Pennants
The PEN GWYNNE WAR PENNANTS are four of a set of five pennants which were nobly and fairly won on the field of battle in the first Pen Gwynne War, held in A.S. XXVI (1992).
This war was fought by the doughty populace of Southron Gaard against invaders from the then Principality of Lochac. They had dared to contest our long-standing, just and permanent claim to the Great White Southern Land, and so threaten the prosperity and serenity of our peace-loving, fish-eating, dinner-jacket wearing compatriots in that land.
Although Southron Gaard acquitted itself so well that we won all FIVE war pennants, we took pity on our defeated opponents and allowed them to take one home with them, that they might never forget the lessons so firmly meted out to them on that occasion.
St Jude’s Dagger
SAINT JUDE’S DAGGER is of much antiquity. As all virtuous men know, St Jude spent much of his time, ministering in the sacred climes of Mesopotamia, much renowned for its dykes.
One sunny day, on the Lords business, Saint Jude was passing such a dyke, when he perceived an incipient leak. Being quick witted he plugged the hole with his finger, whereon he looked about for any soul to notify of his predicament, he perceived that other leaks were immanent as well. Not desiring to leave the first leak unattended, but keenly aware of the need for haste, he cut off his own finger and proceeded to raise the hue and cry.
St Judes Dagger is recognised as the very implement he used to thus sever his passion. It has traditionally been awarded to the winner of the tournament held each year at St Judes Faire. Early in its life it was smote mightily and reft in twain, but a blessing was bestowed upon it and it was reborn, its dull grey hilt being transformed into shining gold.
In recognition of its majesty, all recipients have glorified the dagger by the addition of a magnificent jewel, to which ends it has the magnificent visage it projects today.
The Bardic Cup
The BARDIC CUP was first awarded by the Honourable Lord Duncan Kerr in A.S. XXX (1996) and was repaired and enhanced at the hands of Lord Aelfric Branwelather in A.S XLII (2008). It is awarded by the current holder at each Canterbury Faire to the gentle or gentles, from within or without the Barony, who provided the best bardic performance at the event.
Current holder:
AS59 Master Declan of Drogheda
Recent Holders of the Bardic Cup:
- AS58 Lord Halfdan
- AS57 THL Lowrens and THL Enith
- AS56 Sir Philippe de Tournay
- AS55 Isaac of Gildenwick
- AS54 THL Luan an Fael
- AS53 Lady Greta of Gildenwick
- AS52 Mistress Katherina Weyssin
- AS51 Tessa of Southron Gaard
- AS50 Albrecht of Stormhold
- AS49 Mistress Rowan and Lord Nicodemus
- AS48 Minerva’s Tower (Edmund Kerr and Alanna Galliwoode from Aneala)
- AS47 Csperka and the Children’s Companie
- AS46 Vitale Guistiniani
- AS45 Bethan/Varndel and co for the Untold Tales of Bolkein readings
The Caidan Shield
This is a former Royal Shield of the Kingdom of Caid, last borne here by King Edric III, and left in the keeping of THL Richard d’Allier upon the final departure of the Crown of Caid from these lands.
In A.S. XXXIX (2005), at the request of Bartholomew and katherine, Baron and Baroness of Southron Gaard, and by the gift of Caid’s then King, Direk Ivanovich IV, THL Richard’s lady, THL Ethelind of Darkwood Keep, repainted it with the arms of Caid in escutcheon on a plain white “stranger’s shield”, and gave it a new purpose.
It is now known as THE CAIDAN SHIELD, and is presented to a newly-arming fighter and held by them for no more than two Quarter Days, then passed on at Court to another new fighter as proposed by the holder and approved by the Baron of Southron Gaard.
The name of the each holder is recorded on the back of the shield so that we may see the names of those who have come from such a beginning to become mighty in the field of martial prowess.
Current holder:
Nascia Sanoczska, awarded at Canterbury Fair, AS LIX
Recent Holders of the Caidan Shield:
- Quentin, awarded at Baronial Anniverary, AS XLVII
- Calach of Southron Gaard, awarded at Day of Tourneys, AS XLIII
- Lord James of Southron Gaard, awarded at Yule, AS XLII
- Raife de Massard, awarded at the October Muster, AS XLI
- Thorald Inn Suðreyski, awarded at the Southron Gaard Siege Engine Challenge, AS XL.
The Jewel of Southron Gaard
In A.S. XL, at the request of Bartholomew and katherine, Baron and Baroness of Southron Gaard, was inaugurated the JEWEL OF SOUTHRON GAARD, a beautiful token made by Sir Sebastian von dem Schwarztwald, and awarded to a gentle or gentles whose craft, display or instruction in the Arts & Sciences make them stand out among the populace.
A holder should wear it at all times and be constantly seeking a new candidate, to whom they award it at Court. If a new bearer is not found within two Quarter Days, the Jewel is returned to the Baron and Baroness, who will continue the search.
Current holder:
Recent Holders of the Jewel of Southron Gaard:
- Lady Katherine Stewart, AS LVI
- THL Violetta Vasari AS LV
- Lady Cecily de Montgomery, AS LII
- Master Brian di Caffa, and Lady Ellen of Whitely, AS LI
- The Honorable Lady Aveline Goupil, AS L
- Lady Amalie von Brisache, AS XLIV
- Lord Scotaidh mac Uilliam, awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS XLII
The Battered Helm
The BATTERED HELM represents an ancient and honorable tradition in Southron Gaard. It is awarded by the current holder at a tourney of their choice to the perpetrator of the “most fitting death” during the tourney. The recipient may then take the helm and cause it to receive a new dent in a manner and style of their choosing, before awarding it themselves at the next suitable occasion.
The Helm has been so often awarded and so “well” used that, on at least one occasion, the recipient felt obliged to remove all previous dents before being able to add their own.
Current Holder
Lady Alice Conning, awarded at Canterbury Fair, AS LIX
Recent Holders of The Battered Helm:
- THL Richard d’Allier, awarded by Lord Dieter at the May Muster, AS XL.
Better Keeps and Baileys
The BETTER KEEPS and BAILEYS award was first presented in the mists of antiquity by Baroness Eleonora van den Bogaerde (then Lady Morgana de Maar). It is presented by the current holder to those, whether from within or without the Barony, who are responsible for the fairest and most period encampment at Canterbury Faire. It consists of a small Keep and small bottle (replenished by the current holder) of a beverage known as “Baileys”.
Current holder:
AS 59 Caravanserai
Past Holders of the Better Keeps and Baileys award
- AS 58 Wyvern Guard Household
- AS 57 Lord Halfdan
- AS 56 House Amberherthe, rep Mistress Isabel Maria del Aguila
- AS 54 Northside, rep Mistress Aliena de Savigny
- AS 53 Lord Bjorn, Lady Vigdis and Fayde
- AS 52 House Amberherthe and House Annwyn , rep Mistress Isabel Maria del Aguila
- AS 51 Draco Viridis , rep Master Grim of Thornby
- AS 50 The Artisans’ Encampment, rep Master Jarnulfr Thorolfsson
- AS 42 The Artisans’ Encampment, rep. Sir Sebastian
- AS 41 Lord Leifr Hrolfsson
- AS 40 Lord Geoffrey and Lady Arabella
- AS 39 Sir Asbjorn and Mistress Marianna
Constable’s Cup
In A.S. XL (2005), at the suggestion of the incoming Constable, Lord Fraser Coney, a tradition was inaugurated whereby the Constable carries a Large Cup, to be filled from time to time by members of the populace who may have committed minor infractions at events, or be claiming lost property; the nature of said liquid to be negotiated with the Constable at the time of filling. The Cup was made by the hands of Brian of Bexley, father of Lord Ronan mac Brian.
The Crown Sword
In A.S. XLI, at the request of Bartholomew and katherine, Baron and Baroness of Southron Gaard, was inaugurated the Crown Sword of Lochac. This mighty weapon consists of the wondrously light blade used by King AEdward Staedfaste to win November Crown XL, and a fine hilt made by Master Sigurd Hardrada, assembled by Capitano Martuccio Lorenzo Cavalcanti di Medici and inscribed by Mistress Roheisa le Sarjent, with a lanyard woven by Lord Dickon Baskin.
The CROWN SWORD is presented to a newly-arming fighter and held by them for no more than two Quarter Days, then passed on at Court to another new fighter as proposed by the holder and approved by the Baron of Southron Gaard.
Past Holders of the Crown Sword:
- Lady Rosanella Soranzo, awarded at Day of Tourneys AS XLIII
- Raife de Massard, awarded at Baronial Anniversary, AS XLII
- Oswyn Carolus, awarded at the October Muster, AS XLI
Harry’s Helm
At Canterbury Faire A.S. LIV, Baron Grim and Baroness Alexandra declared that Harry’s Helm will now be awarded to Youth Armoured Combatants. Previously, at Canterbury Faire, A.S. XLI, the former Page’s Helm was renamed HARRY’S HELM in memory of a warrior and true son of Southron Gaard, and offered as a prize for valour in the Page’s Tourney each Canterbury Faire. Harry’s Helm was mounted and given an inscription by Lord Sventa Djaknson, father of the inaugural holder. Whenever it is awarded, the cheers for the winner will always be followed by “…and a cheer for Harry”.
Current holder:
AS59 Lord William of Castleburn
Recent Holders of Harry’s Helm:
- AS58 Benjamin of Gildenwick
- AS56 Lord Þorin Þorvaldsson
- Nelson of Gildenwick, AS LIV
- Timmy of Gildenwick, AS LIII
- Patrick of Southron Gaard, AS XLII
- Ethan of Cluain, Canterbury Faire, AS XLI
Page’s Coif
The PAGE’S COIF was first presented along with the Page’s Helm (now Harry’s Helm, see above) by Baron Master Sigurd Hardrada as a prize for boffer combat and, since Canterbury Faire A.S. XXXIX, was regarded as a prize for chivalry in the Page’s Boffer tournament. At Canterbury Faire A.S. LIV, Baron Grim and Baroness Alexandra declared that the PAGE’S COIF will now be awarded to Youth Armoured Combatants.
Current holder:
- AS59 Lady Grace Thexton
Recent Holders of the Page’s Coif:
- Athelflaed of Frostheath AS LVIII
- Alexander Luansson AS LVII
- Lillebjðrn Thorasson, AS LVI
- Bjorn the Red, AS LV
- William, AS LIV
- Guinevere of Darton, AS LIII
- Orla of Southron Gaard, AS XLII
- Grace Kerr, AS XLI
- Patrick Lotuleilei, AS XL
- Dickon Baskin, AS XXXIX
Yagiri no Tetsu
YAGIRI NO TETSU was first presented by Lord Yasuda Tatsu’aki at Canterbury Faire A.S. LIV. It is awarded for the highest collective score for all archery competitions combined at Canterbury Faire. It is a grand prize for the archer who gained the highest total, and the only way to achieve this is to demonstrate skill in every discipline on offer throughout the Faire. While its likely that the archer holding it scored highest in every competition, it is also possible that an archer could come second or even third consistently but shoot more competitions than their fellows. In this way it awards not just skill but dedication.
Current holder:
AS59 Master Nicodemus Novello
Past Holders of Yagiri no Tetsu:
- AS LVIII Baldwin the Wanderer
- AS LVII Master Richard d’Allier
- AS LVI Lady Ellen of Wyteley
- AS LV Tom of Southron Gaard
- AS LIV Baron Sympkyn of the Moor
Newcomer’s Stool
The Newcomer’s Stool was first presented by Lady Vigdis Svínahildardóttir at Canterbury Faire A.S. LIV. It is awarded to a newcomer for their helpfulness. The prize is a ‘waldo’ (a stool created by Waldo or equally capable artisan each year at Canterbury Fair).
Recipients of the Newcomer’s Stool
AS LIX Elkie
Past Holders of the Newcomer’s Stool:
- AS LIV Tom of Southron Gaard
The Box of Saint Justin
Box of Saint Justin The BOX OF SAINT JUSTIN was first presented at Golden Flight A.S. LV. by Baron Grim. It is awarded for recognition of outstanding early-period garb and accessories. The holder should wear it at all times and be constantly seeking a new candidate, to whom they award it at Court. If a new bearer is not found within a year, the Box is returned to the Baron and Baroness, who will continue the search..
Current holder:
AS LIX Lord Vrangi
Recent holders:
- AS LVI Mistress Christian Baier