What is Southron Gaard?
Welcome to the Barony of Southron Gaard, wherein you may step back in time to the world before 1600. Join us and dance at a Tudor court, draw a Mongol bow, cheer a chivalrous French knight, relax in Heian hakama, listen to a Norse saga, swap war stories with a Persian man-at-arms, or cook a feast from the Mughal Empire.
Southron Gaard is based in the South Island of New Zealand (principally in Christchurch, Dunedin, Timaru, Nelson, and Invercargill) and is a branch of the international non-profit educational organisation, the Society for Creative Anachronism, New Zealand (SCANZ).
The SCA is dedicated to the research and recreation of pre-17th century life and cultures, with a particular focus on its practical applications in arts and sciences, including costuming, cooking, martial arts, dance, calligraphy and illumination, metalwork, archery, music and so much more.
Our organisation’s initial focus was on Western Europe’s Middle Ages and Renaissance. While that remains a strong influence, over the past 50 years we’ve broadened our scope to explore the many and varied pre-1600 cultures from around the world.
If this sounds like something you are keen to get involved with, head on over to our newcomers area to find some quick-start info and discover where you can next find us. Otherwise, keep reading for more about our Barony, our people, and what we do!
The Arms of Southron Gaard

In recognition of this region’s long ties with the Kingdom of Caid, an augmentation to the Baronial Arms was granted in A.S. XXXVII, and the modified form approved by the College of Heralds in A.S. XLII
Unto the Populace of Southron Gaard, Ildhafn and Darchester do Guillaume and Felinah, King and Queen of Caid, send greetings.
Good people,
Since the inception of the Current Middle Ages in the lands of the southern marches some 20 years ago, the populace of these regions have been treasured and respected members of the Kingdom of Caid. In the intervening years, the groups of Southron Gaard, Ildhafn and Darchester have been established by the populace of the southern marches, and the banner of Caid has always flown proudly above these regions. Thus it is that We, Guillaume and Felinah, 49th Monarchs of the Kingdom of Caid, in order to recognize the magnificent roles which Southron Gaard, Ildhafn and Darchester have played in the history and cultural fabric of Caid, do hereby grant these groups an Augmentation of Arms.From this moment on Southron Gaard, Ildhafn and Darchester shall have the indisputable right to display the Cross of Caid as part of their coats of arms, and We do charge each of these chapters’ heralds to consult with the Kingdom herald to determine suitable means of achieving this display. Whatever the future holds for Southron Gaard, Ildhafn and Darchester, We, as representatives of the people of this kingdom, are proud to acknowledge the Caidan heritage of the southern marches.
By Our hand this 16th day of November, A.S. XXXVII
Guillaume, Rex Caidis
Felinah, al Sultana al Caid
Baronial Badges
Further to the Baronial Arms, our Barony has two Populace Badges.
These are: