PGC2019 – Challenge Extended

“What fates impose, that men must needs abide”
 3 Henry VI, 4.3.60

In light of recent events, and with the gracious support of Their Excellencies Grim and Alexandra, Baron and Baroness Southron Gaard, to assist you to occupy your time while you are retired to your estates, the timeframe for entering the Persona Gubbins Challenge has been extended until Yule (Mid Winter).

Additionally, a new category has been devised to delight and intrigue:

16. Sweet are the uses of adversity 
You are invited to research or practice an art, craft or past time that your persona might have undertaken whilst whiling away a siege (or plague).  (Please note that we cannot support the mis-use of live chickens as a plague cure (probable true story)).

The Persona Gubbins Challenge is designed to celebrate our personas. Swathes of documentation are not required to participate. Discover, create and share the small items that enhance your SCA experience.

In service and appreciation of Shakespeare,
Meisterin Christian Baier, Baronessa Isabel Maria del Aguila, Lady Amabillia Thexton

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